2-11-15 Kasumi-cho,
Schedule of Masses for the months of February
and March 2005
January 23 Sunday 02:00 PM Sunday Mass in Shinjo
January 30 Sunday 02:00 PM Combined English and Japanese Mass
February 02 Wednesday 06:30 PM Solemnity of the Presentation
Blessing of Candles
February 04 Friday 10:00 AM First Friday Mass (Japanese)
February 06 Sunday 09:30 AM Japanese Mass
02:00 PM English Mass
February 09 Wednesday 10:00 AM Ash Wednesday Mass (Japanese)
06:30 PM Ash Wednesday Mass
February 11 Friday 10:00 AM Mass of Healing for Solemnity of the
Our Lady of
February 13 Sunday 09:30 AM First Sunday of Lent Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM First Sunday of Lent Mass (English)
February 20 Sunday 09:30 AM Second Sunday of Lent Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM Second Sunday of Lent Mass (English)
February 27 Sunday 09:30 PM Third Sunday of Lent Mass (Japanese)
Annual General Meeting
March 04 Friday 10:00 AM First Friday Mass (Japanese)
March 06 Sunday 09:30 AM Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass (English)
March 13 Sunday 09:30 AM Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass (English)
March 20 Sunday 09:30 AM Passion Sunday Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM Passion Sunday Mass (English)
March 13 Sunday 09:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass (Japanese)
02:00 PM Easter Sunday Mass (English)
Prayer at the Start of
the Year
Lord, sometimes I wonder where I am going and what the meaning of my life is. I wonder especially what the new year holds for me. Will it bring sorrow or joy; success or failure; joy or death? But then, I remember that You came to earth; and that You still travel the road of life with me. And so I say to my soul: Go out into the darkness, and put your hand in the hand of Christ, your Brother, that will be better than a light, and safer than a known path. Amen.
Thank you for your donations for the victims of the floods in the